
“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Appreciating the Creative Part of YOU!

Saturday...the one day of the week where I get to sleep in (sometimes!).  As part of a family Saturday can mean a variety of things...a day filled with those tasks that don't get done during the previous 5 days, sporting events, shopping, cleaning, laundry...it goes on and on.  Sometimes it can be a day of getting away and relaxing in nature (although right now it is a bit wet to really enjoy nature :). It was designed to be a day of rest.  In our busy world today, however, that day is relegated to Sunday, although traditional Jews...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Too Close For Comfort

Think back to being a child for a moment and remember watching fantasy movies and somewhere a child opens up a magic book and rays of light seem to burst out of it.  It's as if the whole person and room is enveloped in this magical light.  I woke up this morning imagining it would (or should) be that way when I opened up the Most Important of Books.  I like to think truth literally jumps out at me when I open the Word.  Well, streams of light did not necessarily burst out upon me, but a measure of understanding did. I am reading...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Year That Changes My Life

Well, this is a new beginning for me.  Already a month into 2011 and I am being challenged by setting up a blog :) and yes, I looked up that word to see what it really meant.  I love to put my thoughts into words and sometimes my mind goes faster than my mouth can keep up and I articulate with the written word better than I speak (or so I "think"). (For those times...which can be many...when my mouth goes off faster than I am thinking...it is good for me to take the time to pause and write my thoughts, and it may even sound a tad bit...