
“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Italiani a cuore

I love to cook.  I love to eat.  I love to read.  I love to travel.  I am a foodie.  I should have been a writer for a food travel magazine.  I would have taken Joanie, one of my closest friends along as the photographer, because I am visual and she takes incredible photos!  I think God is AMAZING in creating each of us so uniquely that we come alive with passion sometimes at the simplest things.  This all started a few days ago when I picked up the latest issue of the Food Network magazine, their Italian...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Your Own Talent Show

I am sitting here watching the snow fall and I love it!  I love those soft white fluffy flakes coming down...it is so peaceful!  Whenever I see snow falling, three things come to mind...once standing at a winter ski resort years ago in absolute peace and you could almost "hear" the softness of the snow coming down.  The other two thoughts are the winter scenes in "The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe", the first book of the Chronicles of Narnia (love that book!), and how my sins as scarlet are made white as snow as I am forgiven!! (and...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


A year ago, I began studying Psalm 16, which has always held special meaning for me.  I have researched, studied, meditated, prayed and still don't believe I have scratched the surface of all the treasure hidden in these eleven verses. Currently, in my daily reading, I am in the Gospel of Matthew, but today I wanted to read something in the form of a psalm, so I went to the numerical psalm for the day...and behold, found myself once again in the words that have become bread to me when I am hungry.  May I just share a bit of a nugget of...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Read, Watch and Listen

It has been a bit of a whirlwind this week as we prepared to send my husband off on a ministry trip to Kamchatka in far eastern Russia.  He will be gone for three weeks, so getting his business in order while he's away, making sure he had all he needs, and taking care of the needs on the home front...lots had to be done!  We prayerfully sent him off last night and are excited at what will transpire during this trip. Oftentimes, for me at least, having even one family member gone changes the dynamics at home dramatically.  Not needing...

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Woman After God's Heart

I absolutely LOVE the book of Psalms in the Bible.  I have done some study on the life of David and these verses throughout 150 Psalms shout out at me "This man wanted to KNOW God and wanted to KNOW His heart!"  In his darkest moments, he knew how to pour out his heart and soul but more importantly, WHO to express his deepest longings and soul-searching moments to and receive the comfort he needed.  How can we not relate to these cries of a desperate heart, as well as the proclamations of a grateful and praise-filled heart when He...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I Got You Babe

I didn't wake up this morning to strains of "I Got You Babe", but I could have.  This song got stuck in my head last night when I realized what day it would be today.  I love this movie and so in the spirit of the day..."Happy GroundHog's Day!"   I am not sure I understand how this works though....in this part of the country, I am sure our furry friend would have seen his shadow, which would mean 6 more weeks of winter :(  But in Punxsutawny, Pennsylvania, good ole' Phil would not have been able to dig himself out of the snow...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Seeing Beyond the Fog

Driving down the road in the early morning yesterday, I was enveloped in fog.  I was amazed that I really couldn't see much except the grey concrete in front of me with the yellow stripe down the center.  I knew if I stayed in the lane to the right of the yellow line, all would be well.  It reminded me of a camping trip our family took two summers ago and I wanted to share it...as it also reminded me of a conversation I had recently with a good friend. Our family went on this camping trip mainly because we missed doing them.  The...