
“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ararat, Armenia and Airports

This posting will be short....I managed to get internet access so thought I would drop a quick note to let you all know....all is well!  A trip developed quite suddenly in the last couple of weeks allowing me to accompany my husband on his trip to Armenia where he is teaching in a DTS (Discipleship Training School) for Youth With A Mission.  I am so absolutely thrilled to be here!  Thirty-five years ago when I joined "YWAM" , this was one of the nations I longed to visit.  God has given me a gift! When I woke that first morning...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Apple of His Eye

These days I seem to be taking God more seriously at His Word.  When I read the Bible, I want the words & wisdom to be implanted in my heart, yes, so that I do not sin or do wrong against Him or anyone else, but also to feed me and give me life. Our church and small groups throughout the Body, are reading "The Divine Mentor" and I, for one, am being refreshed daily by the insight of this author. But mostly I am being fed as I read and meditate on the pages of my ancient book, which still brings life! One nugget I came upon recently which...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Primavera, Fruhlingzeit, Printemps, Vyesna

No matter how you say it....it is Springtime!!  Hmmm, or it is supposed to be.  Here it is April 6th and today it hailed so hard that I could hardly see out of my windshield and slipped and slid on the freeway coming home.  I do remember though...3 years ago when my husband, oldest daughter and youngest son were away in Australia visiting family in April, we experienced snow here in Salem.  So freak weather in April isn't "that...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Love, laughter, luaus and leis

Dear friends...you probably thought I had decided to stay in Hawaii!  It has been nearly a month since I "blogged" (did you know this word is a blending of the words web log??  Can be a noun or a verb...sorry wise old Wikipedia helped me with this one).  Anyway, life has been happening and it has been good.  March was highlighted with Jim returning home from Kamchatka and our trip to Hawaii to celebrate our 25th!  (our son...