
“A mother keeps a garden of the heart, planting the seeds of faith and character that give her children hope and purpose for the years ahead.” ~Anonymous

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Not Just A Rare Sighting

I love it when phrases literally jump off the page at you...whether you are reading a letter, a blog, the Scripture...words mean so much and spark something in our hearts.  The title of my blog today meant something when I read it in a recent letter, which I will refer back to in a moment. My husband is off to Kamchatka (again); second time in 6 months and we are so privileged and honored to be able to serve the Lord in this way.  He...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Busiest Day of His Life

Today is one of those incredibly beautiful and peaceful days when you just want to sit in the sun and enjoy!  I do believe "summer" has finally come to the Pacific Northwest!!  And I am one happy lady!  For those of us here in our little corner of the world, the weather has been a big my past posts have revealed. So... I grabbed my favorite Book this morning, a cup of coffee and settled myself on our deck to just "be"....