
"Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph" ~Matt Hardy


“A mother keeps a garden of the heart, planting the seeds of faith and character that give her children hope and purpose for the years ahead.” ~Anonymous

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Winding Down

October is winding down.  Out came the warmer socks, on came the furnace and down came the leaves!  Looking out the window the other afternoon as leaf after leaf came fluttering to the ground, it was so calming.  A hot cup of tea and a blanket over my cold toes, I wondered where the time went this month.  October, where did you go?   Three weeks have come and gone and my husband returns on Monday from weeks of ministry in Latvia, Finland and Russia.  I am looking forward to sitting down in front of a nice warm...

Friday, October 21, 2011

Pumpkin, Pumpkin and More Pumpkin :)

I'm experiencing one of those autumn days when you just want to relax and absorb the sights, smells and tastes of the season.  Recently, I made some purchases that have enhanced my eating experiences this month.... Oh my....this was pumpkin heaven :) And this on a whole wheat bagel or piece of multi-grain taste buds are smiling :) Now I wasn't only smiling, I was singing when I ate this...a sandwich marrying fig jam and...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sowing, Seeds and Sav'lanut

I've found my new favorite Psalm!   Psalm 126 When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream.Our mouths were filled with laughter then, and our tongues with shouts of joy.Then they said among the nations,"The LORD has done great things for them."The LORD had done great things for us and we were joyful.Restore our fortunes, LORD, like watercourses in the Negev.Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy.Though...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Living Between the Times

I am into week number two of the three weeks my husband is away in Latvia, Finland and Russia.  In my last posting I gave an account of day one, and I am pleased that nothing too dramatic or harmful has befallen us since.  The days gave me an opportunity to rest up from my cold, catch up on some overdue jobs at home and enjoy the peace and quiet.  God is so in tune with us that He knows just "when" we need those moments to refresh our souls. I am so enjoying our Bible Study we have with Beth Moore's "Stepping Up" where we are studying...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October Days

Yesterday was "Columbus Day", no mail, no bank, but there was school...and my husband left for Latvia, Finland and Russia.   I am trying to get rid of a not-at-all-nice cold (are they ever nice?) My daughter and I left husband/daddy at the entrance to the terminal (per his request) and we headed for Ikea :)  We gazed, grazed and found a great set of glasses to replace the many which break on our granite counter tops :( Text....1/2 hour late in departing. Next text....upgraded to better (much better) seat!  Yeah! Phone call...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

He Is Not Sleeping

My son came home from school the other day and asked me a question.  "Mom, what is your greatest fear?"  Ouch...don't like that one!  But, I hesitantly answered "having my family suddenly taken from me in death."  That's a big one for a mom!  He responded by saying, "That's the same thing my teacher said."  I assured him that is probably very normal for a mom to say.  However, the Spirit prompted my heart at that moment and reminded me "that isn't really your greatest fear, is it?"  Turning to my son, I said...