
“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Close Out of a Year

Whew!  Have you been able to take a moment and stop and catch your breath after the holiday "gladness"?  (I'd say "madness" but that word only fits in certain cases and not in this one :)  I've said it before...I love the holidays!  But, this week between Christmas and New Year's can be a bit of a "no man's land".  Sleeping in, eating up all the leftovers and goodies, continued visits with guests and the big decision "Do we have a New Year's party or not?".  (oops...forgot the other big question "Do I take down the...

Friday, December 23, 2011

Advent Baby, Part 2

I watched a Christmas movie the other day where a children's pageant was being played out.  I was reminded of my own children in the days when they were shepherds, wise men and, yes, angels (oh they were so cute!! :)  One time as the procession was making their ascent on the stairs to the stage, the narrator proclaimed "and the wise men fell down before the babe and worshipped Him."  One wise man did just that...he tripped and fell...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Fourth Week of Advent: Where Did the Baby Go?

The anticipation and waiting....the days and weeks before Christmas are full, frenzied and can be fun as we get ready to be with loved ones to celebrate.  We are in the midst of the fourth week of advent (and yes, I missed Sunday...but never too late to ponder). The fourth week of Advent centers on the theme of LOVE.  Not enough words or thoughts to fully grasp what love means during the Advent season.  God stuffing himself into...

Friday, December 16, 2011

A Chocolate Covered Christmas

This is not a serious post.... It is the middle of the month... It is the last full shopping weekend before Christmas.... It is the fourth Sunday of Advent in 2 days.... It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.... And...it is "National Chocolate Covered Anything" Day (it really is!  You can google American Food Holidays and find it!)  And so in honor of this day... Frozen Peppermint Cheesecake with chocolate drizzle...

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Third Sunday of Advent: The Amazement of a Baby

We move into the third Sunday of Advent (tomorrow).  I'm a day early, but last week I was a day late, so I am evening things out a little :) If I were to put a thought or theme into words for this Sunday, it would be JOY or amazement....EXCEEDING JOY!  (again I know there are traditional themes for the Sundays, but this word is leaping out at me today).  Take time in the next couple of days to read the birth of Christ in Luke 2....

Friday, December 9, 2011

O Tannenbaum

O Christmas Tree O Christmas TreeYour branches green delight us! It's fascinating how a simple green tree adorned with lights seems to awaken a childlike excitement in us...or some of us anyway!  I love when it is time to put up the tree.  Once you get the past the figuring out which lights work, the untangling of the strings of lights and get them on the tree draping just right....it is rather enjoyable.  Like many of you, I put on...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

St. Nicholas Day

Hidden amongst the first days of December and the beginning of the holiday extravaganza, noise and bustle, is a holiday most Americans are unaware.  This special day, along with the Advent season, became a tradition of our days in Austria.  And is the namesake where Father Christmas and Santa Claus get their beginnings.... Nicholas was born in the third century in the small village of Patara, once a part of Greece, but now is modern day...

Monday, December 5, 2011

Advent Peace

I know, it is Monday...the day after the second Sunday of Advent.  It was one of those weekends....lots of activity and celebration; I celebrated a birthday. Last night when finally laying head to pillow, my heart was filled with thanksgiving for my life - my family and friends and the blessings of knowing Him.  When I awoke yesterday morning I told the Lord that when I laid down at night at the close of the day, I wanted to be overwhelmed...