
“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Monday, December 31, 2012

Good-bye 2012 :)

My mind cannot wrap itself around the fact that this is the last day of the year.  2012 is almost the past.  Thoughts of resolutions, goals and dreams for 2013 have barely had time to formulate in my heart and mind.  Even as I look at this blog, I realize during the holiday months, I barely wrote.  Life took most of my time. 2012 was a good year for us.  Not necessarily in terms of what the world calls "good".... the jobs...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Lights, music, parties, sales, trees, decorations, Santas, Salvation army volunteers on every corner, commercials...commercials....commercials....it's that time of year again.  It snuck up on us like that birthday with a "big 0" .   Just as we are ridding ourselves of that "full" feeling of turkey, stuffing and pie, we are pulling out the boxes, cutting that tree and changing the look of our entire house. I actually love this time of...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Windows of Latvia

Again, a post on windows.  There's something about windows in other nations that fascinates me. It isn't just the color or creativity, although that is a biggie with me.  But often as I walk down the streets of towns and villages, I wonder... "Who is behind that window?" "Is there a mother tending to her children?  Are they playing while she prepares their lunch of cabbage soup and black bread?" "Perhaps there is a grandmother...

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Unwanted, Abandoned, Deleted

From my heart to yours... Walking the streets of old town Riga we came upon a sight I will never forget.   Entering the main square on Freedom Boulevard, you find yourself looking to the opposite side where a monument rises 138 feet upward.  The Freedom Monument was constructed to honor the soldiers killed during the Latvian War of Independence (1918 - 1920).  In more recent years, I have heard it called Lady Freedom.  She is...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friends, Forgiveness & Finding the Way Home

I (we) are back home.....my husband after 5 weeks of travel and myself, being able to join him in the last two weeks.  We had a wonderful time, took lots of photos, spent time with many old and wonderful friends and made some incredible new ones!  Our faith and trust in God grows deeper during these adventures as we have the privilege of touching lives, connecting and experiencing Him come through for us (and them!). Kazakhstan, Armenia...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Random ramblings...

Only a few days left of summer. Autumn is around the corner. This time of year the markets are full of the harvest - I made ratatouille the other day and no recipe is better with fresh eggplant, tomatoes and zucchini. I just finished a beautiful walk in the warm sunshine where as I enjoyed the quietness, the still small voice of God my Father spoke something into my mind and heart.  I am doing some writing on the "seasons" and transitions...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

1st Day...Last Year

I sent my youngest son (18 in nine days) off to school today...his last first day. As he sailed out the front door memories came rushing back.  Today all us moms of seniors are a bit teary-eyed and for those of us where this is our last...a lot teary-eyed.  Actually, I am smiling amongst the bittersweet memories.  The last year of school supplies, signing notes (do I do that after he turns 18??), obligatory meetings, being homework...

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Ch..ch...ch...changes.....remember the song? The lyrics of my life are different than David Bowie's but the changes surrounding me are real enough. I woke this morning trying to figure out what time it was in Germany and where my daughter was at that moment...had she arrived, was she on a train, or wandering about wondering how to get where she needed to be?  I also wondered who still lived in my house and how many people were sleeping downstairs?...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Winding Down of Summer

I have a love/hate relationship with the end of summer.   What I dislike about summer ending...(hate is such a strong word for this): ** end of BBQ and grilling (meat and salads are such a great combo!) ** waking up to warm sunny mornings ** sitting outside at night and watching the stars ** boating ** summer clothing goes in storage ** end of a bountiful fruit season ** leaves...falling....all over the yard ** putting socks on **...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Family Circus

I didn't buy a zoo....I inherited a circus... I promised my mother I would marry someone whose name she could pronounce AND who would speak English....it was always a concern for her :) Interestingly, when I married my Russian/Ukrainian/Australian love of my life, he could speak English...but his name translated is a form of the word "wild"...hmm...four children later and we are a wild family :) When we lived in Russia in the early 90's, we stayed...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Blueberries, Lemons and Summer

Today will be our hottest day this year...and my good friend and garage sale partner-in-crime and I picked blueberries before the 100 degree weather hit.  Grey skies and cool temperatures accompanied us as we picked 11# of the delectable, juicy fruit.  We could have picked another bucket, but decided to call it a day before the sun showed it's glowing face and we melted.  Our preserving method of choice was to freeze them, but I...

Friday, August 10, 2012

Estate Sale Memories

Today I went to an estate sale with a good friend.  I did the Estate Sale 101 talk as we walked room to room.  Yes, this is more expensive...this sale is the result of someone passing away; their relatives hiring someone to organize, price and sell the accumulations from their loved ones' life.  A percentage goes to the estate people and the rest to the deceased's family.  It is a business.  But a business that helps a grieving...