
“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Monday, June 25, 2012

Mothering 24/7

It's funny, but lately whenever I begin to ponder about God, his nurturing and gentle character and how a mother's heart reflects the same, I get hit with a mothering issue.  God gets my attention in a way that perhaps would have otherwise slipped by unnoticed.  Those daily, or maybe weekly occurrences, depending on what stage of life your children are in presently, which require a bit more nurturing and attention. That phone call late...

Friday, June 22, 2012

Once Upon A Time...

Storytelling....images...a dad sitting on a bed cuddling a daughter in those precious moments before turning off the light....friends around the campfire....a princess...a prince....a hero....a damsel in distress....a tale worth remembering and repeating at just the right moment. I may have shared this quote before, but it is definitely one of my favorites: "If a story is never told it becomes something else...forgotten." Is the art of...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The (Mother)Heart of God

Recently I have been trying to wrap my mind around the motherheart of God.  Those attributes of our God that seem to come from the heart of a woman, or more specifically, a mother.  As my husband and I travel and share with those who have been wounded and hurt by their fathers, we are becoming more and more aware of the wounds left by mothers.  The message of “The Fatherheart of God” is a very wide spread message of love and forgiveness.  The heart of a Father healing the hurts of a wounded man or woman, boy or girl trying...

Monday, June 18, 2012

Remember Educating Rita...Becoming Jane...Now Promoting Joan :)

Ever find yourself reflecting back on your life and being overwhelmed by the goodness of God and the friendships He has given you over the years?  Try doing this in the spirit of thankfulness and you will be blown away by how your friends have impacted your life, even through the small things - and the oh, so many, big things.  Right now in my life, I have some incredible friends.  They walk with me and share my joys, adventures,...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Please, to the table...

Today's challenge is to quit trying to be so original and recognize the inspiration all around us.  In working so hard to be original, we don't often get our art, our music or writing out there for the world to see.  In reality, so much of the time, we are inspired by those around us....Picasso said "Good artists copy.  Great artists steal."  An idea, a phrase, a picture from someone else can often trigger the creativity within...

Monday, June 11, 2012

UPS, FEDEX OR Snail Mail....

A new day, a new week and a new challenge!  Today is Day #5 of the Writer's Challenge and I am hmmming and hawing about what to do (not sure if those are actual words, but I do know I use them...I will have to entrust this one to spell check).  The challenge is to "ship".  Something you have previously written, are writing or have floating around in your mind to write.  The challenge is to quit procrastinating and get it done...write...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

From Market to Metro

Today is the day we set some goals for this 15-day writing challenge. 1)  Decide on a space you will set your tush down every day and write (my wording :) 2)  Set a time you will meet with yourself every day and put pen to paper (or fingers to laptop :)   Why do I like smiles behind my sentences? 3)  Choose a goal of words per day you will write...300-1,000 is a reasonable start. In my favor is the abundant resource of photos...