
“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Saturday, July 21, 2012

National Creme Brulee Day

I wasn't going to do this...but when I realized the significance of today, I succumbed :)  Today, July 21st is "National Creme Brulee Day".  I am not sure "who" thinks these holidays up...but I am all for this one!  Probably my all time favorite dessert, even over chocolate!!  I love the creaminess and the crunchy caramely (is that a word) buttery topping you break through to get to the prize that lies beneath.  I love the...

Friday, July 20, 2012

A New Modern Fun Look...and A New Name :)

Spring cleaning....changing the furniture around...buying new colors to spruce up your home...okay, it is "summer" but this is what I have felt like recently with my blog.  July took off at a run and I haven't had much time to write or even reflect on writing.  But when a moment arrived, I decided I really wanted a new look, a new title which encompassed more of what I was trying to communicate, and in a sense "throw out the old" and get...