
“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Monday, November 18, 2013

God Has It Covered

Recently I have been hoping for someone.  Carrying a burden for a loved one.  Believing, trusting, praying.  Grabbing onto those Words meant to give us hope.   Cast all your cares on Him. Take My yoke upon you, for My burden is light. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. It has been a year of walking in someone else's skin and believing God to come through for them.  Hoping, hoping,...

Monday, November 4, 2013

He Determines My Steps

Oh my, it has been awhile....life happened and besides not blogging, I have hardly touched my camera or computer to write.  The months sped by and here November is peeking his head into my life and reminding me the holidays and quite possibly "the busiest time of the year" is upon us.  No worries...we'll grab that turkey by the horns (or is it "grab the bull by the horns") and keep moving.  I was reminded this morning of a post I...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Stories Hiding in Inconvenient Places

I am still here!  Really!  I did not drop off the face of the earth, just took some time off to get some other pressing tasks done.  And to be honest, just not in much of a writing mood (could be the heat or those long warm days of summer taking over).  I have been reading a lot, which usually makes me want to write, but for some reason, this summer, my mind has not been in writing mode.  Prayerfully, this will change as...

Friday, June 21, 2013

When Harry Met Gabby

There are some people you meet in life that you will never forget.  A word they said and where you met will always hold a treasured place in your memory.  I knew such a person.  This is his story. Situated on the central coast of Italy, an hour west of Rome sits a small coastal town that in the latter l970's was a transiting center for Russian Jewish emigrants.  They were legally leaving the Soviet Union and either beginning...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Love That Never Quits

Recently I read that Psalm 136 is a compilation of God's great works and his unending love.  It is a piece of David's poetry that you turn to, to remind you of a love that never ends.  I knew this writing, and read it zillions of times - times when I really NEEDED to be reminded that He was actually there and cared about me.  So as I returned to this psalm, it was good...until I hit on something I seemed to have missed in past readings. "Give...

Friday, June 14, 2013

Father and fathers

Father's Day brings a myriad of emotions to us.  For some, it is a joyous day to celebrate that man who has given so much of himself to us.  For others, it brings pain for the father we never knew.  The disappointment of not having our fathers live up to our deepest expectations of what a father should be. I wanted to post a poem that celebrates fathers, but as I prayed and looked, I am overcome once again at the "fatherlessness"...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Is it really June?

I turned around and June was already on my doorstep...really!  When did this happen?  Somehow in the chaos of finishing off school, weeding the flower beds, planning graduation parties and sending my husband off on another trip, this month snuck up on me.  Taking a big deep breath, I am looking behind and in front with the anticipation of some "free" non-structured time to pursue some interests.  Isn't summertime supposed to...

Friday, May 10, 2013

A Tribute to My Mom

My mom is amazing, but I didn’t realize just how strong, determined and dependable she was  until I had my own children. One day during a visit shortly after I gave birth, I was exhausted and my husband jumped up to change our firstborn son’s diaper. My mother, watching all this taking place, turned to me and said “You have no idea what you have.” With tears in her eyes, she went on to tell me (which I already knew but had a much bigger...

Monday, May 6, 2013

MOM is WOW Upside Down :)

Today is a guest post from a friend of mine, Erin.  Her mom's story is one not so different from many moms today....single and doing it on her own.  A tough job, but one you cannot walk away from.  One that if you stick with it, will reap wonderful rewards as you watch your hard work, years of tears...and joy....be worth it all. My mom raised my two younger sisters and I, all by herself. She taught me to be tough. To agree...

Friday, May 3, 2013

A Mother Worthy of Honor

Our third mother in the line of mothers we are honoring is another lady in Scripture.  Her name means "grace" or "favor..He has favored me".   Hannah For those not familiar with her story, you can read it in the Old Testament, 1 Samuel 1 & 2.  I've always been inspired reading about Hannah.  A woman who lived in anguish every day, hoping, wanting and being taunted because she could not have what most other women around...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Remembering Mom... and Knickers

Today I'm sharing a guest post from JOANIE, a dear friend of mine.  We have journeyed many years together, and during our friendship she shared her mom with me.  I am honored to share her memory in remembering a woman loved by many..... A new longing has surfaced, developing into a little nagging regret. I would very much like to thank my mom for the wool knickers she made me.  I so wish this seemingly novel desire...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

She Was The First

Her name means "life-giving"  or  "mother of all who have life".   As we launch into the celebration of moms, it is only fitting to remember the first mom ever.  Yes, we think of sin and it's far reaching consequence, the apple, the serpent, the deception and fall of man - all that happened in the garden that day.  But just for a moment, remember Momma Eve. So much could be written and has been.  Even though her choice...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Mother's Day Blog-a-thon

One of my favorite holidays is just around the corner.  Of course, I am a MOM!  I love having my children pay attention to me :)  I enjoy not having to cook (unless my own mother visits and then I want to spoil her with a lovely meal :)   It is a time when a mom gets to enjoy being spoiled a bit!  By the time Mother's Day rolls around, spring has shown her lovely face and we begin to enjoy a bit of warm weather here in our...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Passionate Patience

To be passionate:  showing strong feelings or intense believe or emotion To be patient:  to be able to wait without becoming annoyed or anxious One word shows action....the other leads us to believe "inaction".  Or rather action without stress or anxiousness. Can we be passionately patient?  I found this paraphrase of Romans 5:3-5 in The Message: "There's more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed...

Friday, April 12, 2013

Knock Knock...Who's There? Elijah...

Love, betrayal, mystery, murder, war, famine, drought, miracles, adventure, intrigue, faith - only a few of the words we could use to describe the Old Testament of the Bible.  The stories hidden within the pages of this centuries old book are filled with lessons that reach across the millennia.  Men and women who lived, loved, believed and died leaving a trail of stories to be told.  There is no better "storybook" ! One such story...