
“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Giveaways, Games & Glitches

Congratulations to our winner of Beautiful Battlefields by Bo Stern!  I have contacted our lucky  winner by email and will be sending the book off to her soon.  This whole idea of a giveaway has been something on my mind to do for some time and I was honored to be able to do so with Bo's book. My prayer is hearts will be encouraged, healed and comforted by not only Bo's book, but also her blog and the insight she...

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Bo Stern's "Beautiful Battlefields" Book Giveaway :)

Sometimes we come across a Scripture that resonates so loudly within our being and we want to share it with the world.  This happened to me yesterday and I meditated on this tasty morsel throughout the day.  However, upon waking this lovely Saturday morning, settling in with my coffee and Bible, my heart urged me to share in another way by encouraging a friend I have met in the past. Oh, but first, the Word... "Test me and try me, examine...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine Days Gone By...

Ask my family...I love holidays and rarely does one go by without celebrating or at least decorating a room or two.  Growing up as a young girl, my mom would give my brother, sister and I each one of those 99 cent boxes of chocolate and had them waiting for us at breakfast.  This “tradition” carried over into my own family when I had children, although as they grew older, we graduated from small boxes to Toblerone or Lindt’s, and...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

To Love or Not To Love on Valentine's Day

I remember the first box of chocolates I ever received from a boy.  It was second grade.  It was a big heart shaped box.  It said "I love you" scrawled over the top of the cellophane.  It made my little 7-year old heart go pitter patter.  Fast forward 50 plus years...and it makes this mother's heart go "WHAT??!! Are you kidding?  What does a 7-year old boy know about love?  Rather what does a 7-year old girl do...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

February, Facts, Fog & Faithfulness

Here we are 5 days into February and I thought my blog deserved some attention.  I read awhile back something from a well-known author and blogger.  He said that the successful bloggers only blog about 3-4 times a month.  Once a week.  If you do every day or even every other day, people get tired of hearing from you.  So....I am being successful without even trying :)  No, seriously, where did January go?  I read...