
“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Passed Over...A Good Thing

Passover...unless you know the "celebration" it makes you think of being "passed over"; almost a negative meaning..."I was passed over for someone better."  No, this PASSOVER, means you were chosen...you were singled out.   You were passed over to give you LIFE... Today is the first full day of Passover (having begun last evening).  For those who are not familiar with this Jewish celebration, it is the commemoration of God "passing...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Spring, Sunshine and Shoes

Dinner finished.... Checking emails.... Scrolling through facebook.... Resting with heat on my back before the lower back exercises... And realizing it is March 18th and have only participated 3 days in the photo challenge, two of those days I haven't even posted the photos.   But I did have a daughter return home of which I am still soaking in the moments she is around.  And I did remember to turn the clocks ahead for Daylight Savings...

Friday, March 15, 2013

190 weeks and going strong :)

Today we are celebrating our 27th wedding anniversary!  Wow!  That sets a stage for reflection :) The actor and actress on this stage have come a long way... When we say "I do" at the altar, we have no idea what is ahead.  Dreams, hopes and happiness are all at the forefront of life at that moment.  The honeymoon is all we can see and we are pretty sure that will last forever :) Those who have been married any length of time...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Love, Laughter and Ligaments

There are 14 main ligaments in my back (and yours btw :)....and a couple of mine are in a lot of pain!  Somehow through normal living...and lifting a heavy box :)  ...I have stretched ligaments in my lower back and am somewhat "out of commission" for a bit.  I have spent the last 4 days either lying down with heat or slowly walking and trying to get something done.  I don't sit still very well on normal days, so this is a test...