
“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Friday, May 10, 2013

A Tribute to My Mom

My mom is amazing, but I didn’t realize just how strong, determined and dependable she was  until I had my own children. One day during a visit shortly after I gave birth, I was exhausted and my husband jumped up to change our firstborn son’s diaper. My mother, watching all this taking place, turned to me and said “You have no idea what you have.” With tears in her eyes, she went on to tell me (which I already knew but had a much bigger...

Monday, May 6, 2013

MOM is WOW Upside Down :)

Today is a guest post from a friend of mine, Erin.  Her mom's story is one not so different from many moms today....single and doing it on her own.  A tough job, but one you cannot walk away from.  One that if you stick with it, will reap wonderful rewards as you watch your hard work, years of tears...and joy....be worth it all. My mom raised my two younger sisters and I, all by herself. She taught me to be tough. To agree...

Friday, May 3, 2013

A Mother Worthy of Honor

Our third mother in the line of mothers we are honoring is another lady in Scripture.  Her name means "grace" or "favor..He has favored me".   Hannah For those not familiar with her story, you can read it in the Old Testament, 1 Samuel 1 & 2.  I've always been inspired reading about Hannah.  A woman who lived in anguish every day, hoping, wanting and being taunted because she could not have what most other women around...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Remembering Mom... and Knickers

Today I'm sharing a guest post from JOANIE, a dear friend of mine.  We have journeyed many years together, and during our friendship she shared her mom with me.  I am honored to share her memory in remembering a woman loved by many..... A new longing has surfaced, developing into a little nagging regret. I would very much like to thank my mom for the wool knickers she made me.  I so wish this seemingly novel desire...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

She Was The First

Her name means "life-giving"  or  "mother of all who have life".   As we launch into the celebration of moms, it is only fitting to remember the first mom ever.  Yes, we think of sin and it's far reaching consequence, the apple, the serpent, the deception and fall of man - all that happened in the garden that day.  But just for a moment, remember Momma Eve. So much could be written and has been.  Even though her choice...