
“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Revisiting Auschwitz

One memory lodged forever in my mind and heart is from the summer of 1987. Our only child at the time, our son, was 5 months old.  We, along with other leaders, had taken a group of about 35 college-age young people on a missions trip to eastern Europe.  Their weeks were filled with adapting and understanding new cultures, sharing in churches, street-evangelism and drama. But mainly by removing themselves from the comforts of their...

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tidbits from Tuesday

Sometimes you come across a recipe, a book, or a tidbit from life you just have to share.  Today is one of those "sometimes".  Here are a few of tidbits crossing my path... Each Wednesday our ministry team comes together to share, pray and just be together.  I love these people, some of them I have had the privilege of being in ministry with for nearly 40 years.  (oooh, that dates us!)  We come together over the Word, national...

Thursday, January 15, 2015

FORWARD into 2015

It's halfway through January already!   Not sure where these 15 days went, probably same place the last 12 months traveled off to....the land of memories.  They say the older you get, the time seems to go by much quicker.  I am beginning to actually believe that.  I packed up Christmas last week, sorted through most of the paperwork of 2014 to begin organizing for taxes :(  bought a new pack of pens and a new journal, managed...