
“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Pondering Our Phenomenon

The great “American” eclipse of 2017.  A complete solar eclipse was going to pass right in front of our protected eyes.  We lived in the path of totality.  Weeks of hype, excitement and anticipation.  We knew it was coming.  We were told hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the United States and other countries were coming to witness this natural phenomenon.  Here in our small capital city, Salem, Oregon,...

Friday, July 14, 2017

Stuck Off My Feet

It’s a nice 67 degree morning, sunny & warm and who wouldn’t love just putting your feet up and reading a good book.  Summer days and lounging - it’s supposed to get up to 88 degrees today.  A day to sit back, relax and enjoy.  I am forcing myself to do this.  Sad, huh?   I am stuck off my feet.  Not on my feet all day, but off.  It is a mystery as to what I have done to my right foot, but it is painful...

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Tasting Summer

The rain had finally stopped and the chilly grey days were disappearing.  As the summer solstice came and went, we were beginning to actually see the first signs of summer.  The sun was shining!!!  What a difference it has made in our lives here in the Pacific Northwest.  I think we are actually smiling and laughing again (happy face inserted here)!!  That was one long winter and wet spring! A good friend came by the...

Monday, April 24, 2017

A Reflection on Hope

 I am doing an on-line writing challenge and today's assignment was to write about hope.  After finishing, I remembered I wrote something on the same topic a while back. As I searched through my files, I found the following. I remember this particular season as we were beginning a new journey in our lives. For some unknown reason, I am challenged to post this today in the hopes that someone will identify and grab onto the hand of...

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Springtime: A New Season

I’ve been thinking about seasons lately.  Especially here in the Pacific Northwest when we wonder if springtime will ever show its lovely warm face and then STAY so we could actually become better acquainted!  We’ve had mostly days of rain and chilly weather, but then suddenly the sun will appear and you feel like life is beginning again!  Then five minutes later, here comes the rain.  I don’t think I fully appreciated the sight...

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Winter And Waiting

I woke this morning to bright almost blinding sunshine pouring in through the windows.  It lit up the entire room.  An absolutely glorious scene filling me with a sense of “wow, spring is almost here”.  Then, I realized how COLD I was.  The house was cold.  My feet were cold and I needed coffee.  I also needed to build a fire to heat up the room.  And I knew, springtime was at least another 2 months away.  ...

Monday, January 16, 2017

My Spiritual Hearing Aid

Two weeks into the new year....wow!  I am not sure exactly "when" 2016 ended and 2017 began.  I began the Christmas holidays with good cheer and ended it with bronchitis.  The flu virus hit me head on and knocked me off my feet (literally).  So, the last 3 weeks have gone by in a bit of a blur.   But as my head cleared, so did my thinking.  Welcome New Year!  Let's hope the next eleven months are better than the...