
“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Winter And Waiting

I woke this morning to bright almost blinding sunshine pouring in through the windows.  It lit up the entire room.  An absolutely glorious scene filling me with a sense of “wow, spring is almost here”.  Then, I realized how COLD I was.  The house was cold.  My feet were cold and I needed coffee.  I also needed to build a fire to heat up the room.  And I knew, springtime was at least another 2 months away.  ...

Monday, January 16, 2017

My Spiritual Hearing Aid

Two weeks into the new year....wow!  I am not sure exactly "when" 2016 ended and 2017 began.  I began the Christmas holidays with good cheer and ended it with bronchitis.  The flu virus hit me head on and knocked me off my feet (literally).  So, the last 3 weeks have gone by in a bit of a blur.   But as my head cleared, so did my thinking.  Welcome New Year!  Let's hope the next eleven months are better than the...