
“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Stayer

As I venture into Psalm 16:2 today and looking at my notes, I really just want to give several translations and nuggets of the same words... "I say to the Lord, "You are my Lord, apart from you I have no good thing." "Without you, nothing makes sense." "I have no good beside you (present or future) without you." My Lord,...my goodness (righteousness) there is none beside you." "I have no other help but yours." "You are my Lord, my goodness is nothing...

Monday, January 30, 2012

My Gift

Like most people (I think) the book of Psalms in the Bible is a favorite.  The chapters (each Psalm) are fairly short and generally they make easy reading.  They are the praises and heart cries of principally one man, David, and a few other men who in their joy, rest, struggle, sin, anguish, war and being pursued by enemies poured out their hearts to God.  They are words we can easily identify with.  On any given day, we can take...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Simplifying My Life

Today is "anniversary day".  This blog began a year ago today.  I have written 60 entries including this one.  That is a bit over one a week.  Honestly, I had planned to write much more.  I read some incredible blogs where the author blogs daily.  I realize that for some, it is their livelihood....or contributed to their notoriety and furthered their career, and it is necessary for them to update daily and keep their...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Foto Fun :)

I mentioned before how visually-oriented I am and my love for photography - color, shapes, people, nature....I go crazy when I go for walks with my camera!  Well, along with my "resolve" to spend more time taking photos, as well as a few other goals I have made for the next twelve months, I recently came across this webpage and project for 2012.   http://www.mcpactions.com/blog/grab-a-mcp-project-12/ Following a theme and submitting...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The LORD is my Rock

Do you need a ROCK today?  Reading Psalm 18 challenged me..."The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn (strength) of my salvation, my stronghold." (verse 2)  David expresses his heart's cry with these very words repeatedly throughout the book of Psalms.  He was continually in need of a rock.  He was relentlessly  pursued by his enemies  (verse3)....

Friday, January 13, 2012

A Taste of Julia

Waking up to 24 degrees Fahrenheit and beautiful cold crisp sunshine, it looked like a day I might be able to spend a bit of time outside.  However, the grey clouds are now quietly creeping in and the forecast for the weekend into next week is snow.  I always get in the mood for winter comfort food when the weather turns wintery. After a trip to the market, I decided today was a Julia Child "Boeuf Bourguignon" sort of day.  I had...

Friday, January 6, 2012


An often unrecognized holiday appears on our calendar every January 6th, but how many of us even understand it's meaning?  When I see Epiphany, I am more concerned if I spelled it correctly :)   To enlighten us on this day (which by the way is also "National Shortbread Day"; perhaps we can get to that a bit later :)....let's explain.... epiphany - a Christian "feast day" which celebrates God the Son coming as a human being in Jesus Christ....

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


The new year always brings thoughts of resolutions and promises to ourselves.  We actually follow through with some, and others fall by the wayside, as early as February :)  As disheartening as it can be not to accomplish a goal we set out for ourselves, God created us to be creative and to do new things, try new things and desire for something better than where we currently "exist".  So every new year, even though I try hard and don't...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Race of 2012

It's here!!  A fresh new year...a new start...a new day, week, month.  With all the possibilities of hope, joy, faith and promise waiting to be revealed.  I hope you are  able to face these coming twelve months with a sense of hope and promise, no matter what the last 365 days held.  Psalm 46 talks about a lot of shaking, but GOD being in our midst and our help, our fortress, our strength.  He can and will make us glad...