Tuesday, January 3, 2012


The new year always brings thoughts of resolutions and promises to ourselves.  We actually follow through with some, and others fall by the wayside, as early as February :)  As disheartening as it can be not to accomplish a goal we set out for ourselves, God created us to be creative and to do new things, try new things and desire for something better than where we currently "exist".  So every new year, even though I try hard and don't always accomplish every one of my "goals", I at least put some out there to work towards.  Some are practical and others are "spiritual" in the sense I want to grow deeper in the Word and my relationship with God.  And in some ways, a few are difficult to "measure" and are only realized with time.  They do, however, give me purpose and a sense of living the abundant life that Jesus draws us towards. I hope we can spur each other on this year towards abundant living and a sense of purpose.  

A friend recently pointed me towards this quote: 

“Whatever it is you hope for this coming year, don’t stop at resolutions. Find resolve. Then map it out. How are you going to do it? Monthly, weekly, daily, what does this dream require of you? Now do it, and do it with all the strength you’ve got. You have one brief, beautiful, unique life to live, and only a limited handful of matches with which to set your world ablaze. Don’t you dare waste them.”

David du Chemin/Professional Photographer

It spoke right to my heart :)  There are some personal desires that have occupied spaces in my heart for years...some being lived out and others yet to be realized in their fullness.  I am finding that "resolve" to set some guidelines in my life to see a desire or two fulfilled this year.  I have always loved to write and being a visual person, photography has been a quiet passion of mine for years. (I have multitudes of "coffee table" photo books, as well as my absolute favorite cookbooks all have colored photos!)   Both writing and photography have lain dormant far too long. Maybe it is being in this fifth decade that is awakening passions to be fulfilled in the next half-century :)

For years, I helped write newsletters and articles, both for ministries and our own family.  I have scores of journals filling my drawers and closets.  I love to read and while reading, often am writing "in my mind" as I read.  In my early twenties, I had an incredible camera.  My best friend and I took photography classes and built up a library of photography books.  While a house fire consumed my camera and collection of photography know-how, the years of mothering and busy-ness left me little time to pursue this passion.  

I have loved living my life and the years that are behind me.  I don't regret a single moment of the busy-ness and being a mom has always been my number one love and passion.  However, I do believe a new season is ahead of me.  Of course, being able to blog and having a computer, as well as my birthday and Christmas gift of a brand new digital SLR may have something to do with it :)  

And so...I am resolving and mapping out my days and weeks to pursue my passion.  I believe God has placed the desires in my heart (Psalm 37:4) and I want to honor him with each and every plan.  I pray my writing and photography will bring Him glory and touch the lives of those He places in my life.  I don't really know what that looks like at this point, but I will leave that to Him. :)  For now, just the joy of learning and sharing will satisfy a hunger :)

I really had something different to write about today...but somehow these thoughts took over.  Perhaps you have a "passion" also or even a small desire you have wanted to pursue.  Ask God to enlarge and nurture that desire in your heart.  Ask Him to use it for His glory.  Ask Him to show you this year how you can move towards making that desire or passion a reality in your life.  Make Proverbs 3:6 a prayer to Him.  And I pray your life and desires will glory Him :)

A few of my first photos...by the way, when I studied photography years ago, film SLR's were what we used....I now need to learn the digital side of things, as well as the photo editing programs on the computer (there's A LOT more buttons on this camera).....so I have some learning and re-learning to do....

"From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, 
the Lord's name is to be praised. "  Ps. 113:3

I really like macro photography :)

Some outdoor Christmas lights in a neighborhood
in our town - love night photography!

And my favorite girls ....

And men....

I'll stop now, or this will become a Christmas photo album :)


happy new year & happy picture taking

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