
“The reason one writes isn’t the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Monday, December 8, 2014

Finding My Glasses

What if you were to lose one "sense" out of the five?  You could keep the other four, but had to give up one?  Sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.  I cannot imagine life without any of these, but if I had to choose I would definitely not want to lose my sight.  As a life-long lover of books and the written word, being unable to read would be a sword to my heart.  (audible books aside...I want to see what I am reading)...

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A Holy Pause

“How are you?”   “Great, busy.”  How many times are we asked that question, “How are you?”  And we reply the same....”good, but busy.”  So often I have said those words and then in the back of my mind think...”just what am I so busy with?”   We are all busy.   Our days are filled with work and our careers, taking care of family, organizing our homes, grocery shopping, making meals, appointments and volunteer work,...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October Fruit

OCTOBER....many reasons why I love this month and time of year.  It could be due to the fact the month begins with the same letter as orange, or the last three letters seem to sound like what I say each morning as the temperature begins to drop.  The vibrancy of reds, yellows, greens and orange against a brilliant blue sky make the tenth month of the year the absolute best when it comes to color! An artist’s palette just waiting for a...

Thursday, September 25, 2014

40 Years....

Yesterday I received a priceless gift although I did not realize it at the time.  I was given a small packet of notes from a prayer group in Canada.  These were notes taken during a time of prayer in which the people involved prayed for specific nations and needs.  My husband and I serve in missions and they included us in their prayers.  The notes were Scriptures they felt God impress upon them for us and our ministry, especially...

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Not Ready to Give Up Summer :)

Ah, my favorite season of the year....as warm days of summer give way to the crisp cool mornings and evenings of autumn, I submit to my senses of smell, sight and taste.  I was determined this year though to not give in until the day fall actually does arrive, which is a couple of weeks away.  I told myself, "No pumpkin spice latte until September 23rd...I mean it!".  (I have succeeded thus far, by the way).  I want to savor...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Circus Has Left Town

Yes, it’s been months since I blogged.  Life took over and I’m looking out my window realizing that the leaves are about to change color and we will be putting away the bbq and deck chairs before the month is out.  Time certainly didn’t pass me by, it just kept running beside me until I suddenly stopped to breathe and slow the pace of 2014.   We gave away our beautiful and youngest daughter in marriage a few weeks ago. I knew this...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Survival Vs. Living

Are you surviving today?  Or are you living?  It's not a question of semantics but a deep down heart-felt question.  This weekend we went to see the Academy Award Best Picture "Twelve Years A Slave".  Heavy movie.  Be ready for heartache, deep issues of evil in the heart of man and ending with tears mixed with joy and sadness.  A statement made by the lead actor left an impression on my mind.  Solomon, a free man...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Where Do The Birds Go?

Firstly, where did I go?  I'm still here, just my energies concentrating on other areas as winter winds down. taxes insurance cleaning catching up on month-long paperwork paying bills sending out newsletter getting over illnesses from travel catching up with family and... shopping for a wedding dress finding a caterer reviewing options for decorations looking at flowers invitation decisions Yes, I am a mother of the bride!  Since...

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Pausing, Pondering and the Past

I am holding my favorite coffee cup, the steam rising, watching the snow gently fall with a sense of peace enveloping my moment.  I am resting.  Recouping my strength after a four-week, four-country ministry trip.  Internet access was sketchy which is why I dropped off the radar.  In the quiet, I am reminded.... A couple of weeks ago I spent two and a half hours walking through 6,000 years of history - Armenian history.  Looking...

Monday, January 6, 2014

Grace, Thankfulness, Day by Day

New Year, new week, new word....living day by day.  I started a new devotional which is based off a best seller.  I have wanted to read this book for some time, and came across her devotional.  Day to day suits me right now. I have a birdhouse right out my bedroom window and as I am having my devotions each morning, I see the tiny sparrows alighting and eating.  Yes, this is for me right now :)  It's all about grace and...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 One Day At A Time

2014...Wow!  Not sure how this year snuck up on me but here it is staring me in the face and I am expected to "welcome" it.  I do welcome the year, with open arms, but I kind of feel like when you open your door to a guest, knowing they were coming, but they showed up an hour early.  "Hi, come on in; I'm not quite ready, but have a seat, I'll only be a minute."  So, as soon as I wipe the shocked look off my face and gather my...