Friday, July 20, 2012

A New Modern Fun Look...and A New Name :)

Spring cleaning....changing the furniture around...buying new colors to spruce up your home...okay, it is "summer" but this is what I have felt like recently with my blog.  July took off at a run and I haven't had much time to write or even reflect on writing.  But when a moment arrived, I decided I really wanted a new look, a new title which encompassed more of what I was trying to communicate, and in a sense "throw out the old" and get a little more "hip"...can I say that... "hip"??  I think I just did :) a hip moment...and with my daughter home after a 7-week long road trip, my help to renovate the blog arrived!   We spent some hours together, brainstorming, and I like what we came up with!  That "communications degree" came in handy!  The blog is more up-to-date, technically, visually and I am learning so much about how blogging can enhance the writing dream on my heart.  There are portions of the blog still under construction, so please be patient as I learn :)  

One thing which is really cool and I didn't have on the other blog is you can not only "join" the blog, but subscribe to it via email.  This isn't "new" with blogs, just new with me :)  So if you would like to be notified when I post a new writing, please subscribe to me via email (your email is safe with me!) and you will know when I write something incredible, encouraging and life-changing...or maybe not, but it could be fun!!  I won't be writing every day, so you won't be inundated with unnecessary email, but you will be notified when I do post :)  I hope to expand in not only writing, but linking you to new fun sites, possibly give away some fun gifts, and open up a whole new world of communication (at least for me :)

And yes, I changed the "title".  I felt "heart 2 heart" was more all encompassing in what I am trying to share in my writing.  My heart to yours. I want to tell the stories of my life...of your life....and encourage us in our journey together.  We will see where this takes us.

So...bookmark this page....subscribe by email and let's have some fun together!


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