We are here for a purpose....
There is more to our life's story than what we are currently living....
We want our tombstone to say more than "he loved his car"....
We want to make a difference....for eternity....
Has there been a Divine Moment that changed your entire life's course...
Do you want to be ruined or wrecked for the ordinary?
There is more to our life's story than what we are currently living....
We want our tombstone to say more than "he loved his car"....
We want to make a difference....for eternity....
Has there been a Divine Moment that changed your entire life's course...
Do you want to be ruined or wrecked for the ordinary?
I just began reading this book
I am a quarter of the way through it
And I strongly recommend it
I've felt like that turtle
I can usually tell if I am going to love a book or not...if I am highlighting sentences only 2 pages in, I think it is a keeper. So far, I am bookmarking and highlighting to my heart's content. Jeff is the same author who did the
which I loved and learned lots! His new book "Wrecked" has just been released and is available on Amazon. Until August 11th, the ebook version is available for $0.99. Just in case you didn't know, you don't need a Kindle to read a Kindle book. You can download a free Kindle app for your computer, phone, iPad, whatever. And I repeat...it is only $0.99
I have been told by some of my family that just because I love a book doesn't mean others will. We all have our own tastes and preferences. But...I think this book will tug at your heartstrings Perhaps even awaken a dream, or ask you to give one up for something far greater. At any rate, why not give it a read and see what being wrecked means for your life. And...it is only $0.99 :)
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